Domestic Violence (Florida Statutes 741.28 - 741.31)
- Spouse or former spouse
- Persons related by blood or marriage
- Persons living together as husband and wife or as a family
- Person with whom you have had a child together, even if you have never lived together
Repeat Violence (Florida Statutes 784.046)
- Persons not related by blood or marriage (i.e., neighbor)
- Persons who have never lived together as a family
- Repeat violence involves two (2) incidents of violence or stalking, one of which occurred within six (6) months from the filing of the petition.
Dating Violence (Florida Statutes 784.046)
- Individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature within the last six months
Sexual Violence (Florida Statutes 794.046, & chapters 787, 800 & 827)
- Persons involved in sexually lewd acts, including any forcible felonies
- The sexual violence must have been reported to a law enforcement agency.
Stalking/Cyberstalking (Florida Statute 748.048)